General workflow improvements - Quickly access the input setup from the Record input channel selection dropdown, pressing 'A' on your computer keyboard will now always trigger Pad 1, and more.
Library workflow improvements - Including the ability to resize the number column, and expand/collapse your crates using the left/right keyboard arrows.
New sub-menus in the Automation drop down - Find what you need faster with a new drop down menu that categories all your parameters.
Performance improvements - Including Improved speed and CPU performance when dealing with Audio Clips and project loading.
MIDI files into your library - organise your collection of chord progressions, melodies and drum patterns in Studio’s large modern library. MIDI file Library support - You can now import. Simply hold the 'Alt' key and click + drag to activate.
Curve line automation - Achieve more control over your Automation with this new improvement - perfect for creating a ‘swelling’ effect, including volume or filter sweeps, reversing a sample, or quick transitions.