By praying to and invoking the power of all Nine Divines, with Talos as the final one, the Hero of Kvatch is able to slay Umaril's body and travel to the spirit world to sever Umaril's soul from the spirit plane, sending him into permant death. The prophet points out that though this was done, it was done back when there were only eight divines, and so the existence of Talos as a ninth divine - side-steps Meridia's blessing upon Umaril. Meridia made Umaril unable to be permanently killed by mortals, Daedra or even the Eight Divines - binding his soul to the mortal world until it could regain it's strength and allow it to manifest a new body to inhabit after a few decades. Umaril was made immortal by Meridia - Daedric Prince of souls and light, normally a good entity, but seemed to owe Umaril for his worship of her when he began his crusade against the Divines and their followers. A prophet reveals a way to permanently destroy Umaril. Ghosts of the Knights of the Nine advise the Hero of Kvatch on how they beat Umaril last time, how to recover the nine-holy relics to do the same again. In the expansion a long dead elven tyrant, Umaril, resurrects to re-conquer his territory - currently the entire landscape of Imperial Provence.

In Oblivion, Talos is instrumental in the expansion Knights of the Nine. In Morrowind, he makes a brief cameo under the avatar "Wulf". Upon his death, is was commonly believed that he ascended as a god, and thus was made the Ninth Divine. He was known to be among one of few individuals bestowed as Dragonborn by the priest atop High Hrothgar. The Third Era began when he establish the Third Empire in Tamirel under the Septim dynasty.