The English man-of-war Belette, delivered from Glasgow to serve as a flagship of the English Royal Navy, was the only known ship of its class to sail the archipelago. In the 17th century South Caribbean archipelago, the term manowar was used to describe only the largest and most heavily-armed vessels.

The first legitimate Man-of-War was invented by Sir John Hawkins around the mid-1500's. Many of them were press-ganged into service, resulting in mutiny being common. These ships were run very strictly, with sailors often flogged for various offenses and forbidden from most kinds of alcohol. Display your dedicated support as one of the grandest online commanders with unique interface elements and faster collecting of experience.Historically, the term man-of-war was used to describe any armed naval vessel in the British Royal Navy, such as ships of the line, frigates, corvettes, and brigs. The Deluxe Edition of Men of War: Assault Squad 2 is the most prestigious version of the game.

To truly bring the battles to life though there is the new extreme game mode designed for huge battles on spectacular maps. Commanders can now faceoff against opponents on various new multiplayer 1v1 – 8v8 maps. Men of War: Assault Squad 2 features new single player style skirmish modes that take players from extreme tank combat to deadly sniper stealth missions.